
Minimum - Maximum level indicator

Level indicators are used to check the maximum or minimum level of powder quantity which is filled in the silo. This indicator is used to determine the maximum and minimum level of powder filled in the silo with the help of sensors. These indicators in turn give the signals to the electrical panel which shows the level via electrical lights.

In the procedure of filling the powder in the silos, as soon as the powder touches the sensor of maximum indicator, the sensor sense the touch and give the signals to electrical panel which in turn shows that the silo is about to fill. And similarly in the process of emptying the silo, as soon as the powder touch the sensor of minimum indicator, the sensor gives signal and shows that the silo is about to get emptied. Minimum - Maximum level indicators usually are used to determine filling level of the material which has 0.5 to 2.0 ton/m³ density in the silo and mostly they are assembled on bottom and top parts of the cement silo.